Gasumyants, V.E., Martynova, O.A. Thermopower and Nernst coefficient in the Y0.85Ca0.15Ba2-xLaxCu3Oysystem: Experimental results and joint quantitative analysis Superconductor Science and Technology 30(9),09500809 (2017)
Gaydamaka, A.V., Martynova, O.A., Vladimirskaya, E.V., Gasumyants, V.E. Electrophysical properties of PCM-materials in crystalline and amorphous states Journal of Physics: Conference Series 586 (1), 012009 (2015)
Babichev, A.V., Gasumyants, V.E., Egorov, A.Yu., Vitusevich, S., Tchernycheva, M.. Contact properties to CVD-graphene on GaAs substrates for optoelectronic applications. Nanotechnology 25 (33), 335707 (2014).
Martynova, O.A., Gasumyants, V.E.. Mechanism of cerium doping-induced formation and modification of the energy spectrum in the Nd2 - xCexCuOy system. Physics of the Solid State 55 (2), pp. 254-261 (2013).
Babichev A.V., Butko V.Y., Gasumyants V.E. RESISTIVITY AND THERMOPOWER OF GRAPHENE MADE BY CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION TECHNIQUE Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. Т. 113. № 7. С. 076101.
Martynova, O.A., Gasumyants, V.E.. Mechanisms of modification of the energy spectrum in high-temperature superconductors of the bismuth, thallium, and mercury systems upon doping and increase in the number of copper-oxygen layers. Physics of the Solid State 54 (1), pp. 31-43 (2012).
Martynova, O.A., Gasumyants, V.E., Babichev, A.V. Specific features of praseodymium-doping induced changes in the critical temperature and energy spectrum parameters of YBa2Cu3Oy in the presence of calcium ions in the lattice.. Physics of the Solid State 53 (9), pp. 1769-1775 (2011).
V.E.Gasumyants, V.I.Kaidanov, E.V.Vladimirskaya. The electron transport phenomena in Y-based HTSC`s and their analysis on the basis of phenomenological narrow-band theory. The band structure transformation with oxygen content and substitution for Cu, Physica C, 1995, v. 248, p. 255-275.
БаграевН.Т., КлячкинЛ.Е., МаляренкоА.М., ЧайкинаЕ.И., ВладимирскаяЕ.В., ГасумянцВ.Э., КайдановВ.И., КведерВ.В., ШалынинА.И. Переходметалл-диэлектриквсильнолегированных p+-квантовыхямахнаповерхностикремния n-типа, ФТП, 1995, т. 29, № 12, c. 2133-2157.
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V.E.Gasumyants. Analysis of the electron transport phenomena in HTSC-materials as the method of studying the band spectrum and its transformation under doping by different impurities. In: Advances in Condensed Matter and Materials Research, Vol.1,. Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2001, p. 135-200.
В.Э.Гасумянц, С.Н.Лыков, Д.А.Пшенай-Северин, Д.А.Фирсов. Размерное квантование. Часть 2. Оптические и кинетические свойства полупроводниковых наноструктур. С.-Петербург, изд-во Политехнического университета, 2010 г. Учебное пособие. 242 стр.
В.Э.Гасумянц, С.Н.Лыков, Д.А.Пшенай-Северин, С.А.Рыков, Д.А.Фирсов. Размерное квантование. Часть 1. Энергетический спектр наноструктур. С.-Петербург, изд-во Политехнического университета, 2008 г. Учебное пособие под ред. С.Н.Лыкова. 258 стр.
В.Э.Гасумянц, Д.А.Фирсов. Электроны и фононы в квантоворазмерных системах. С.-Петербург, изд-во Политехнического университета, 2008 г. Учебное пособие. 96 стр.
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